“Pura Vida Concina & Arte is a business that came to life by pure chance, a Pura Vida Chance, when Ricardo Antunez and Carmen Borrase met in April 2013. Ricardo was looking for a space on 3rd St. and Carmen was looking for a space for a small Costa Rican arts and crafts gallery and a place to have her arts studio. Inevitabally they were both looking at the old Orchards Bistro. The two came together with their ideas and formed a perfect partnership called Pura Vida Cocina & Arte.

Serving delishious Latin American food, inspired in the cuisine from places like Costa Rica, Cuba, El Salvador, Peru, etc. All dishes are done from scratch and always prepared using the freshest ingredients, mostly grown and produced locally. Pura Vida is about living a peaceful, grateful, simple, uncluttered life with a deep appreciation for nature, family, and friends. We want the name of our business to be reflected in the way that
everyone is welcomed and treated at our establishment, in the way in which our food and drinks are prepared and enjoyed, in the art within our walls, and most of all, in the experiences that our guests have here, we want them to really feel PURA VIDA here, like we do.”

313 NE 3rd. McMinnville, OR
Ricardo Antunez & Carmen
Borrase, Owners
Phone: (503) 687-2020