Leadership MacOctober’s Leadership Mac session, number 2 on the year, featured a whirlwind of presentations from local Human Service providers. The objective of this important day is to provide the class of current and future business and community leaders with a knowledgeable perspective on the broad range of human service needs within our community, while also gaining familiarity with many of the organizations who address those needs on a daily basis. The class started their morning at Juliette’s House, a child abuse assessment facility. Presentations (and a tour) from Juliette’s House, CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocates), and Henderson House, a violence intervention and advocacy center) were the first order of the day.

The second stop of the day was at the Yamhill County Gospel Rescue Mission, followed by trip to Mid-Valley’s Rehabilitation work center on Alpha Drive. Next up, lunch at YCAP’s attractive new facilities off of Riverside Drive. After lunch, the class toured YCAP and learned about their varied programs which range from weatherization to the food bank. Afternoon presentations also included the popular Kids on the Block program, the local, non-profit “See Ya Later” Foundation, and the important work being done by the Willamette Valley Cancer Foundation.

Finally, the class had some time to itself to discuss a lengthy list of potential community service projects arising out of the day’s activities. As part of Leadership Mac’s signature iLead program, the class chose to assist several of the worthwhile causes and projects they’d learned about earlier in the day. We’ll keep you posted on their progress.

November’s Leadership Mac program explores the many “basic” services within our community which are often taken for granted. Stay tuned for a full report on this informative day next month!