Students in 11th grade from all over Yamhill County are gearing up to participate in the second annual Yamhill County Career & College Expo in McMinnville on March 15, 2011.

The Expo is being presented by the McMinnville Area Chamber of Commerce in partnership with the Willamette Education Service District, Job Growers, Inc., Worksource-Yamhill Center, and the Yamhill County School Districts.

The event includes a morning session (9 AM – 12 PM) dedicated to high school juniors from all over Yamhill County. That session will feature keynote speaker, a variety of career breakout sessions, mock interviews, and a business/college trade show.

The afternoon session (1-4 PM) will feature the business/college trade show, job fair, and educational workshops for job-seekers.

This year we plan to have over 250 business, college, university, trade school and community representatives participate to give these Juniors a glimpse of options and experiences they will encounter post-high school.  

“This is a one-day, county-wide event that allows us to bring all of these resources together in one place,” said event coordinator Leslie Banke of the McMinnville Chamber. “We are thrilled to be able to provide this type of program here in Yamhill County for a second year.”

If you would like to sponsor, participate, volunteer or for more information, please contact Leslie Banke at the Chamber office at (503)472-6196.