EMPWR Invests 20 Million Dollars and plans to hire 100 People in their McMinnville, Oregon Plant
Chamber Communications2023-07-28T09:58:14-07:00July 28th, 2023|Categories: Inside the Chamber|Tags: empwr, empwr nutrition|
Tracy Autler named Chief Nursing Officer of Willamette Valley Medical Center
Chamber Communications2023-06-05T10:14:54-07:00June 5th, 2023|Categories: Inside the Chamber|Tags: CNO of Willamette valley medical center, tracy autler named CNO, willamette valley medical center tracy autler|
McMinnville Area Chamber of Commerce Honors Mario Garibay as a Community Champion
Chamber Communications2023-06-02T16:15:26-07:00June 2nd, 2023|Categories: Inside the Chamber|Tags: chamber community champion, macc member of the quarter, mario garibay member of the quarter, member of the quarter|
First Federal Named One of the Hundred Best Companies to Work for in Oregon
Chamber Communications2023-03-07T08:21:30-08:00March 6th, 2023|Categories: Inside the Chamber|Tags: first federal named one of 100 best companies, oregon business magazine|
Oregon State Credit Union names Derrick Peterson as Chief Financial Officer
Chamber Communications2023-02-01T15:39:17-08:00February 1st, 2023|Categories: Chamber Members, Inside the Chamber|Tags: credit union, derrick peterson, derrick peterson oscu, news oregon state credit union, oregon state credit, oregon state credit news, oregon state credit union, oregon state credit unon CFO, oscu, peterson joins oregon state|
Helen Anderson of HelloCare Recognized in Portland Business Journal for Elevating In-Home Care Support
Chamber Communications2023-01-23T09:37:05-08:00January 23rd, 2023|Categories: Inside the Chamber|Tags: hellocare, hellocare inhome care, in home care hellocare, portland business journal|
RSV Emergency Declaration Triggers Protections Under Oregon’s Mini-FMLA
Chamber Communications2022-11-30T09:06:25-08:00November 30th, 2022|Categories: Inside the Chamber|
It’s Small Business Season!
Chamber Communications2022-11-22T09:52:07-08:00November 22nd, 2022|Categories: Inside the Chamber|Tags: mcminnville small business season, shop local small business season, small business season|
McMinnville Based Company HelloCare Recognized at OEN Entrepreneurship Awards 2022
Chamber Communications2023-02-07T08:30:22-08:00November 22nd, 2022|Categories: Inside the Chamber|Tags: hellocare awarded oen entrepreneurship award|
Santa Dollars Fundraiser Supports Local Children’s Hospitals
Chamber Communications2022-11-21T09:49:23-08:00November 21st, 2022|Categories: Inside the Chamber|Tags: oregon state credit union supports local childrens hospital|
McMinnville Area Chamber of Commerce Honors Heather Acker as a Community Champion
Chamber Communications2022-11-02T07:54:17-07:00November 1st, 2022|Categories: Inside the Chamber|Tags: heather acker, HEATHER ACKER MEMBER OF THE QUARTER, macc member of the quarter|
McMinnville Area Chamber of Commerce Honors Rosemary Didear, Bridgette Rappoport, Tkeisha Wydro as a Community Champions
Chamber Communications2022-10-13T15:37:49-07:00October 13th, 2022|Categories: Inside the Chamber|Tags: bridgette rappoport, chamber honors community champions, chamber of commerce honors, community champions honored by mcminnville chamber, delphian school, McMinnville Chamber, rosemary didear, tkeisha wydro|