Celebrate Mac July 4th Spectacular
The Rumors are True! July 4th is BACK in McMinnville!
July 4 Sponsorship 2015 Final
Patriot Sponsors of the 4th of July Celebration:
Vendor Information/Application: 2015 McMinnville 4th of July Vendor Information
I hope that by now you have heard there will be a big party for July 4th here in McMinnville. Evergreen Aviation and Space Museum has graciously agreed to both host and manage the venue at their site. Jon Gross, Chamber committee chair and Board Treasurer, wanted to make sure this program was reminiscent of July 4ths of the past while embracing who we are as a community today. “I have fond memories of my childhood staking out a spot on the ground, having Barbeque, playing catch, and enjoying community while waiting for the sun to set. Then the fireworks started and the show was so close you felt like you could touch them. I want that same experience for my family and I’m glad that it is going to happen this year.”
The details are simple: Celebrate Mac July 4th Spectacular is on July 4th at Evergreen Aviation and Space Museum. Parking will be detailed on the grounds of the museum and around town for shuttle drop off spots. The museum will be open FOR FREE to everyone beginning at 4pm and staying open until dark at 9pm. Evergreen is also offering discounted passes to the water park and the theater for that day.
Beyond that, there will be a huge community-gathering place for festival favorite food items for sale, merchant booths, and community program booths, a farmers market, beer tent, and main stage. On the main stage, at dusk, the American Legion will lead the posting of the colors that evening and will begin the firework show.
Speaking of fireworks, Western Display Fireworks is the selected vendor for the fireworks show. We are working closely with them to bring an amazing show to the area, and are told that our show is going to be bigger than anything they have been hired to produce in the last 10 years (even bigger than Portland!). In addition, the 6 pages of fireworks ordered and put together for the show seems promising that we will have a very memorable 4th of July celebration.
Finally, we would be remiss if we did not publicly thank Paul Kuehne of Creekside Valley Farms for allowing us access over his crops for the show. His partnership is a big part of making this event possible.
We look forward to seeing you at this free community-centered event July 4th. There are more spots open to be a sponsor of this city (countywide) event this year. You can find the sponsorship packages up above.