PSA: Recology Western Oregon – Customer Service Update
Chamber Communications2020-05-22T13:58:48-07:00March 13th, 2020|Categories: Inside the Chamber|
NW Natural’s announcement regarding COVID-19
Chamber Communications2020-05-22T14:05:14-07:00March 13th, 2020|Categories: Inside the Chamber|Tags: northwest natural, NW Natural's announcement regarding COVID-19, nwnatural|
Coronavirus and Employer Obligations: Your Questions Answered
Chamber Communications2020-08-25T09:10:41-07:00March 13th, 2020|Categories: Inside the Chamber|Tags: oregon employee work schedules law, predictive scheduling, worker adjustment and retraining notification act|
Willamette Valley Medical Center – CORONAVIRUS COVID-19
Chamber Communications2024-06-17T14:38:49-07:00March 13th, 2020|Categories: Inside the Chamber|
COVID-19 – Chamber Update
Chamber Communications2021-09-23T14:43:27-07:00March 13th, 2020|Categories: Inside the Chamber|Tags: covid-19, McMinnville Chamber, ohsu,, sba, sba guidence|
Defending Against COVID-19 Cyber Scams
Chamber Communications2020-05-22T13:57:57-07:00March 9th, 2020|Categories: Inside the Chamber|Tags: covid-19, covid-19 cyber scam, cyber scams|
Advocacy Update March 9, 2020
Chamber Communications2024-06-17T14:38:24-07:00March 9th, 2020|Categories: Government Affairs Updates, Inside the Chamber|Tags: corporate activities tax, DEQ, end of 2020 oregon legislative session, flood damage in umatilla county, HB 4009, HB 4010, hb 4047, HB 4106, hb 4112, HB 4140, joint emergency board, oregon health authority, oregon legislative session, Peter courtney, SB 1530, SCR 202, SCR 203, speaker kotek, umatilla county|
The 2020 Short Session – Weeks 3 and 4
Chamber Communications2024-06-17T14:38:27-07:00February 24th, 2020|Categories: Government Affairs Updates, Inside the Chamber|
The 2020 Short Session – Weeks 2 and 3
Chamber Communications2022-10-06T11:30:43-07:00February 19th, 2020|Categories: Government Affairs Updates, Inside the Chamber|Tags: business oregon, HB 2001, HB 4010, HB 4167, house rules committee, MEDP, olis, opportunity zones, oregon legislative information system, oregon short session, SB 1530, SB 1574, timber unity|
The 2020 Short Session
Chamber Communications2024-06-17T14:38:30-07:00February 11th, 2020|Categories: Government Affairs Updates, Inside the Chamber|Tags: ballot measure 71, HB 4009, HB 4010, SB 1530, SJR 41|
January 2020 Legislative Days
Chamber Communications2023-02-07T08:30:19-08:00January 20th, 2020|Categories: Government Affairs Updates, Inside the Chamber|Tags: co-located domestic violence advocates, habitat for humanity of oregon, incentive sponsor, long term rural enterprise zone, mcminnville chamber of commerce, opportunity zones, oregon AFL DIO, oregon capital scan, oregon entrepreneurs network, oregon environmental council, oregon medical marijuana program, senate finance and revenue, strategic investment program|
McMinnville Chamber Presents “Experience the True Tuscan Culture”
Chamber Communications2022-04-14T10:24:19-07:00January 13th, 2020|Categories: Chamber Activities, Inside the Chamber, Uncategorized|Tags: chamber of commerce travel trips, chamber travel, mcminnville chamber travel, mcminnville travel trips, travel from mcminnville, travel to tuscany, travel tuscany, travel with the chamber, tuscany travel, tuscany trip|